A loss of memory is a loss of ourselves! It can be very daunting at times and we often come across such junctures when we say this to ourselves –

How can I forget this? This is so dumb! I wish I could recall it at that time!

We all have gone through this at some point of time in our lives but we hardly think about having a strong memory! A lot of techs have taken place in our lives. We just don’t want to push our brains anymore to remember and retrieve things. 

I agree with the fact that the tools are of great use, but there is also a part of your brain that is diminishing its capabilities. And, you should certainly be worried about it. 

On a regular weekday, I spend 6-7 hours working on my laptop. I use several tools to organize my day. These apps and tools are of great help but ultimately, I want my brain to be sharp and intact in remembering things. I do not want to always rely on apps. 

This blog post is for everyone who feels the same and would like to change the narrative for all the good. 

After all, having a razor-sharp memory can be a treasure for life. Here are 5 easy hacks that will help you have a strong memory –

Focus your attention

A man studying and writing

Toggle-Off all notifications of your mobile phones while working. Check these only when you need them. Secondly, endless scrolling on social media will take you nowhere. Become a content creator rather than a content consumer. 

Keep your surroundings silent and free from distractions such as music, television, etc.

Structure & Organize

A women writing on a notebook

There is a lot of motivational content about living an organized and structured life on the web. However, not everyone is willing to adopt because of their laziness, procrastination traits. 

Having an organized and disciplined life will help you achieve your goals. If done the right way, you will certainly live a peaceful and happy life. 

Keep important tasks above urgent tasks. Group your tasks according to categories and take them one by one. Once you have finished one category, you can move on to the next one. 

It will help you remember things because you have grouped several tasks into clusters. 

Learn something new

A close view of a book

Learning is an important aspect of human life. From the early-man age to the metaverse world by Facebook, everything that is happening around the world is because of consistent learning and execution

Become a Life-long-learner (LLL) and strengthen your memory capacity. The more you use your brain; the stronger it gets and the more you will be able to retain information in it. 

There can be countless things which you can choose to learn. However, experts say that you should learn things that push you out of your comfort zone and command full attention.

For me, Statistics is something that makes me uncomfortable! Similarly, I want to learn the Spanish language, and doing so will certainly push me out of my comfort zone. Hence, these are my plans and I suggest you also find something for yourself too.

Repeat and Retrieve

A girl thinking and looking towards left

We tend to remember things better when we write and read them repeatedly. Repetitions reinforce the connection between the neurons. Try to retrieve things that you have written. 

Simple repetition of things on a consistent basis will help you improve your memory capacity.

Don’t Google it right away.

A person doing Google search

At the beginning of the article, I mentioned that I googled about having a strong memory and here I am telling you not to Google things. 

I tried doing different things to improve my memory capacity and today ultimately, I googled about it to know more facts about this topic.  

Ditch Google for basic queries and try to retrieve things from the natural pathways of your mind. It will help you in many areas of your life.

Conclusion – 

I want you to have a sharp brain and the same I wish for my future self. I hope this article will certainly help you reach your desired state. 

Let me know how you feel about it! What else would you like to hear from me? Share your thoughts in the comment section. 
